Part 39: Update XXXVI - Cooperation Established
Update XXXVI - Cooperation Established
Music: School I
Partner get!

Hmm? I mean between me and my opponent. I can't lose to someone who's a
MANGA fan. By the way, which one are you a fan of?
Oh no, the prophecy has come to pass!
Update II posted:

Hehe, soon the time will come for you to pick a side in the nerd war.
The nerd war begins now.
Duh, comic books.

Darn right! You and me, we're on the same wavelength. The laurel leaves of nerdom shall be ours!
Manga, obviously.

Wh-what?! After I defeat that lady, you're next!
'That lady,' must be referring to the girl up on 2F, but she was talking about comic books, not manga. Minor translation slip up, perhaps?
I prefer bande dessinee.

...How very hipster of you.

I assume that your Servant's HP is fairly high at this point of the festivities. I'm sure it'll be useful when you want replenish a good chunk of your Servant's HP in one go.
I buy the Protection Charm for my ever growing collection.

...My reason for being here? Does it matter? At this point, my only goal is to survive this war. I mean, isn't the same for you? And I'm sure you have a wish that you'd like granted, right?
A cutscene starts by the Arena entrance.
Music: Duel of Fate

As always, he's spouting nonsense. Still, I can't help asking him why he entered the war.

A motive? I simply wish to bathe the world in the light of god, as is the will of my lord. As I am god's sole mouthpiece, you may bow before me to be forgiven of your trespasses, little heretic.

So ridiculous. Whatever. I don't bother opening my mouth, because Gatou won't shut up anyway.
Gatou walks off.

Demonic Eye." But knowing Gatou, there's no special meaning behind the words.
Hakuno Kishinami: Instantly proven wrong.
Level 1 gets us just the one keyword.
With another translation error. On the Status page, and in dialogue, the ability is called Demonic Eye. On the Skill page, it suddenly becomes Mystic Eyes.
Mystic Eyes (A->C) posted:
Those who possess the ability of Mystic Eyes are capable of influencing the outside world...the effectiveness of which has been severely reduced due to the incompetency of the Master.
Yeah, you know how Caster's stats got dropped to nothing because of how bad of a Master Hakuno is? Well that cuts both ways. So on top of getting a comparatively minor boost from Mad Enhancement, whatever skills Arcueid does have are getting nerfed from Gatou's subpar abilities.
All we need from the Arena today is Taiga's request.
It'll probably be in that empty square by the top left, right?
Wrong, Taiga's meal is just hanging out on the right path.
I gain a level off that Agitator.
And done.
That path is just empty forever.
Unlike normal enemies, Nephilim have fixed spawn days, so I can't farm them for easy levels.
Music: School III

But, if that's your decision, I'll support you one hundred percent! Ah! No... I'm not overcompensating for the fact you almost triggered a flag in the nurse's office!
Music: Game Over
Hakuno has been getting a lot of these this week.

It's like being a satellite in soundless orbit around a planet, gazing at a frozen civilization.
We've seen this before.
Update XXX posted:

This in particular sounds like a condemnation of the Harways. Did Hakuno have any ties to Rin's group before the Grail War?

Life arose from the womb of the ocean. The virtual world preserves a memory of life's mother. We spread out over the earth, made the land more bountiful and birthed civilizations of our own. For what purpose?
Music: Stops

I wonder...if it was that dream again? Rin said that humans don't dream in the virtual world. Dreams come from memories. Since I'm disconnected from my body, I shouldn't have access to my past... But... These really feel like my dreams, like something I've seen. I wonder what it all means...
Music: School I
Today marks a major milestone in our journey.
We're officially halfway through the Holy Grail War!
Even Caster noticed!

...That would be a joke. Seriously, I'm just fed up with this whole ordeal. And a picnic would be a really bad idea with that person roaming around. I'd rather face a bear in the woods. *SIGH* "Lethargic" doesn't even begin to describe how I feel...

I mean, just look at the number of
Servants it can sustain128!
Issei and the other library girl have vanished.
I make a quick stop to level.
Unlike Strength and Defense, which got around 1-1.5 points per SP, Caster's natural inclinations means that she gets 2-3 points in Magic for every point I invest. This will let it catch up much faster than you would expect.

If you haven't, I'm sure you'll get a notice later. Seriously, that guy has some major issues.
Something's up today...
Music: School III
But that can wait until after we check up on Rani.

Although her face was still very expressionless, I'd say it was mostly due to shyness. When I mimic her silence, Rani launches into a rather carefully considered monologue.

Yeah, I want to know the depth of my character, the strength of my desires. Shinji, Dan, and Alice must have had a
sense of purpose, and I want one, too.

I think it is not unrelated that my professor believed I could be endowed someday with a soul. The thought came to me yesterday, as I pondered why talking to you and talking to my professor

I have noted an increase in my body temperature when I converse with you. Even though I am in the process of healing, this phenomenon is unrelated. I feel at ease.
That puts us at three girls that have fallen for Hakuno.
You've got an incurable disease!

I have not come across a disease such as this in all of the grand archives at Atlas.

I wanted to watch Rani act all flustered for a while, but... "I think that's your heart." The passions of the heart -are- symptoms of an incurable case of being human.
I think that's your heart.

A heart... As in, an emotional center?

We're both silent. However, looking at Rani's happy expression, I think she's pleased to be accused of having a heart. She closes her eyes, and repeats the word as fervently as if it were a mantra.

The spring water that fills the vesselthe heart that fills me. It's so warm.
This scene is adorable.

After saying that, Rani raises her head to me a second time.

Now, I'd like to do something for you. Is there anything I can do?

She looks at me solemnly. I mean to decline, but it seems like she really wants to do something. I had a weird dream. Or actually, it wasn't a dream. I'm not sure how to describe it.

Dreams are visual interpretations of the ordering of the brain's retrieval of random information. But, Hakuno... You are not supposed to have any access to your memories.

...Furthermore, the contents of the dream are quite curious on an abstract level. A world of cognizance above the level of consciousness. Harpies take wing, but gain no purchase.

Yeah... The dream didn't drop any clues as to who I am. Nothing about who I am, or why I entered the Holy Grail War. Rani, Rin, Dan, Leo, and I fear even Gatou, came here with a firm goal. They each have a wish they deeply desire the Holy Grail to grant. Unlike them, I'm just...

Rani attempts to talk me out of my downward spiral.

Just...the urge to say something is welling up inside me. If only so that you will stop making such a forlorn face. You helped me for my own sake, not yours. That's why I wish to help you in return. I would like to help you find out about your opponent.

What did she say? No, wait. Even things being as they are, it's too dangerous.

Wait! But...


Rani stares straight into my eyes with her bright, sincere ones. ...Do what you want. I can't argue against that kind of conviction. Her expression relaxes a bit.

Starting with the Servant...

I saw her in the Arena, and also I know the information her Master has leaked about her. Her clothing was plain. Her skin was very pale, and she possesses a "Demonic Eye."

I don't want Rani to put herself in further danger, but I'm very grateful for her gesture. I warn her to be careful, then I leave the nurse's office.
Music: School I
We'll see what Rani can turn up by tomorrow.
A cutscene starts by the 1F stairs.

As I walk down the hall, my terminal reports the generation of a Trigger.
Kotomine walks up, which is rather rare. He usually shows up right before the Elimination Battle.

Kotomine? It's rare that he addresses anyone directly. I wonder what he wants.

Allow me to apologize in advance for the short notice. I felt that everyone was bored of simple searches, so I have set up a challenge to break the monotony.

Challenge? What more could he possibly want all of us to do?

And of course every Master's task will be unique. However... With that said, how does a hunting competition sound to you? On day five of the prep period, you and your opponent will see who can
kill the most enemies.
Small error here, the contest will actually take place on days four and five.

Kotomine senses my puzzlement, but answers my confusion with a dismissive shrug.

As a reward, on the sixth day I will bestow upon the victor part of their opponent's
combat data. So, I trust you'll find that suitable compensation for your efforts, correct?

I guess I don't get a choice in the matter.
And with that, he leaves.

But we'd better play along with that jerk, seeing as the reward is
combat data. But fear not! My hunting skills are second to none! So my dear Master, we'll beat that clown, no sweat!

You don't think the system labeled it a bug because I fudged the recipe a little, do you...? There is one more infinitesimally tiny favor I want to ask. You're okay with that, right?
Bring it on!

I was right about you! Anyway, one of the students has the nerve to call me...well...
Tiger! I cannot abide such insolence! Bring me this student so I may exorcise the evil from his soul! So once again, I ask you to tell this foul miscreant to come see me immediately! The sooner chastisement is administered, the better. Please do this within the fourth round.
Much like the last time we had to bring someone to Taiga, said miscreant is just outside.

There's no way I'm answering her summons without a last meal. Shark's fin would do nicely. Where to get some shark's fin? Rumor says there's one in the deepest part of the Arena. Look for the sharks.
It always comes down to a fetch quest.

I could hardly stand to look, it was so scary. Good luck...looks like you're going to need it.

You risked your own life to save someone else's. How dramatic. What kind of deal did you cut?

What do I have to do? I have to explore every inch of the Arena. The tedium is driving me insane.
Time to go hunting.
Next time: Wrong turns lead to worse collisions.